I find it pretty shocking that Big Ed has already been out and about with another woman after breaking up with Liz. Big Ed claimed that he loved Liz and she expressed love for him too. If he was being honest about his feelings, would he already be entertaining someone else? These are just my thoughts of course! Let’s not forget that Ed does love to be around different women…so perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised!

I find it pretty shocking that Big Ed has already been out and about with another woman after breaking up with Liz.

A video of Ed getting close to another woman has surfaced online – many feel that he is giving off pretty creepy vibes in it. During the video, Big Ed says he is looking for a 35 year old Asian nurse, who is caring and loving. The mystery woman said that Ed is looking for love and asks viewers to “hook my booboo up.” Ed went on to say that he will buy his special woman a car, house, and take care of her forever.

Credit: 187anonymousgossipp on instagram

A bit later, Big Ed changed up his criteria for a suitable match, he says he wants a 36 year old Asian nurse with a “yoga butt.” He added that she needs to care about him and he will spoil her – “buy her a car, house, and everything.” Yup, that’s what Big Ed had to say about what he is looking for.

Some fans really thought Ed was going to be different this time around becuase he genuinely seemed to care about Liz. However, with videos like these coming up, it is painting a different picture about what is actually going on with this whole situation.

Only Big Ed and Liz know the truth and know what actual feelings were real in their relationship. I have a feeling we will continue to see Ed around different women for some time to come. It’s up to him if he wants to truly settle down and treat one woman right. Again, these are just my opinions! I could be totally off. I just don’t know how real he is being when he says he wants to find love…

What do you guys think?