We have all seen the drama play out between Tiffany and Ronald lately, but I think we need to look into their situation a little more. First of all, what happened to the couple that was so in love and fighting just to be near each other? How did it turn so sour?

Tiffany has been very vocal about how she feels about Ronald and it always seems like he is on very thin ice with her. When she finally took the kids and travelled to see him she didn’t even seem slightly excited about it.

e have all seen the drama play out between Tiffany and Ronald lately, but I think we need to look into their situation a little more.

I am not saying Ronald has no blame in regards to how Tiffany is feeling, but is it really all Ronald’s fault? As far as I know, Tiffany knew who she was marrying, and I don’t think Ronald lied about who he was or what he was capable of as a husband and father.

I also get that she is a strong woman who firmly sticks up for herself, but sometimes you do need to compromise for the sake of your relationship. Both parties need to work together to make the best out of the situation, not just one side constantly bending for the other.

e have all seen the drama play out between Tiffany and Ronald lately, but I think we need to look into their situation a little more.

Tiffany chose to marry Ronald, yet she continues to belittle him at every opportunity. Many viewers have said that it is wrong of Tiffany to always criticize Ronald, especially considering that Ronald’s problems were quite apparent right from the beginning of their relationship.

A lot of fans wonder if Tiffany will ever accept responsibility for her own actions and take any of the blame on herself. I think we can agree that Ronald has not made things easy for Tiffany, but is it all just on him?

Did Tiffany think she could change him and now she is upset that it isn’t going as planned? What are your thoughts?