I know we all witnessed what went down on part one of the Tell All! I have to be honest, I was shocked at how the cast went in on Natalie. Now…I am not saying it wasn’t warranted, but they usually do stick up for each other, so it was very telling that no one seemed to speak on Natalie’s behalf.

I know we all witnessed what went down on part one of the Tell All! I have to be honest, I was shocked at how the cast went in on Natalie

Following part one of the tell all, Natalie has not been silent about the treatment she received. She replied to comments and reveled that everything we saw in regards to what the cast said about Natalie was true. Natalie actually said it was a lot worse.

Natalie described the experience as “emotional rape.” She said that no one stopped it and Mike had a smile on his face when it was happening. Natalie added that a man who really loved her wouldn’t allow anyone to say anything against her. She explained in her reply that she cried for days following the tell all and that the show is destroying her.

I know we all witnessed what went down on part one of the Tell All! I have to be honest, I was shocked at how the cast went in on Natalie

Natalie recently shared a picture to her Instagram where it shows her before she arrived in the US (it is her in the black shirt above). In the caption, she states that she didn’t know what hell she was going to be put through. She also says that she didn’t know how many people will hate her, try to destroy her life, and make her fall.

She is being very open and honest about how she feels. I understand that going through this whole process would take quite a toll on a person, however, is Natalie truly the victim here?

It seems like she is trying to portray herself as a victim, but is she completely blameless in these circumstances? What do you guys think?