90 Day Fiancé’s Mike Youngquist revealed some shocking information about his relationship with Natalie Morodovtseva on episode 13 of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? I guess we shouldn’t be surprised about what goes on between these two anymore, but this new revelation was still shocking to me!

Mike told cameras what Natalie actually did to him when she broke up with him last Christmas Eve. First of all, apparently Trish confronted Natalie about her not treating Mike well. Trish says that is why she gets mad at Natalie – because she is not nice to her son. According to Trish, Natalie manipulates Mike and doesn’t love him.

Trish added that a wife doesn’t pick a fight with her husband on Christmas Eve and leave. Here is where Mike decided to spill the beans about Natalie’s actions towards him. Mike revealed that Natalie gave away all of the Christmas gifts he bought for her. Mike confronted Natalie about giving away all her gifts to her friend Juliana.

Mike even called Natalie “The Grinch” because of what she chose to do. Natalie did not shy away from it, she admitted to it. Mike told Natalie that no wife acts that way, no matter what country you’re in. Mike then told Natalie that she is acting like a 7 year old throwing a tantrum and she needs to either get with the program or get out.

Natalie confessed to having a room at Juliana’s house that she escapes to because she says her and Mike fight often. Natalie tried to blame this on Mike, by saying he is never home, but Mike corrected her and said it’s her that’s never there. Natalie added that Mike shouldn’t expect her to love him forever…

What do you guys think about these new details?