Today in 90 Day Fiance land…things are not peaceful between Paul and Karine. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Recently, Paul has made some pretty shocking claims concerning Karine. Paul went ahead and filed a protective order against her.

Now, it is no secret to any of us that Paul and Karine have had their fair share of ups and downs, but what is going on between the pair lately is on a completely new level of chaotic. We hope that amid all these allegations everyone involved is staying safe. According to Paul, he had found glass in his food in the past.

Paul also stated that Karine’s friends have been in contact with him and have made threats to harm him in his own home. Additionally, he claims her friends asked him to pay $10, 000 if he wanted to see his son.

Paul also made more claims against Karine, particularly about her parenting. He went on to say that Karine assaulted him and that he has footage to support his claims. These are some intense and very serious allegations Paul is making against Karine! I have a feeling we aren’t getting the whole story and there is much more going on behind the scenes, We are just getting bits and pieces of a story that is very complicated.

He continued by saying he is worried about his wife’s safety and mental health as well as his son’s safety. Due to these allegations, a judge has ordered Karine to stop all communication with Paul and keep 500 feet away from him at all times. Perhaps it is for the best that Karine and Paul keep some distance, at least until things have settled and they can figure out how to handle their future.

Karine and Paul made headlines when Karine went missing after a big fight. Later, Paul states that she had filed for a restraining order, in her statement she says he would not let her leave the house and had assaulted her. Paul has said that he has always gone out of his way for Karine. He found work, purchased a home, got a new car, let her buy what she pleased, did all the household duties, and took care of their son.

I understand that in Paul’s mind he may think he has done all he could for his family, but as we all know, sometimes what someone believes and actual reality are two very different things. I think what is going on between this pair has most of us very confused and even concerned. I don’t really know what to believe at this point. Hopefully the truth about what actually happened will be revealed soon and we will all gain some clarity.