The saga of Pedro Jimeno and Chantel Everett’s tumultuous relationship has been a rollercoaster from the start, but recent events have pushed it into full scandal territory. Scroll Down For Screenshots!

Pedro’s Controversial Exit from Matrimony

Months have passed since viewers were left in shock over the explosive end of Pedro and Chantel’s marriage on “The Family Chantel.” Pedro’s abrupt departure from their marital home, shortly after obtaining his green card, left many tongues wagging. A growing number of fans suspect that this might have been a premeditated plan orchestrated by Pedro, along with his mother and sister, all in a bid to ensure his residency in the US.

The narrative further solidified when, after securing his legal papers, Pedro seemingly abandoned the marriage. As this drama unfolded on Season 4 of “The Family Chantel,” fans were vocal in their disapproval of Pedro and his family’s actions.

pedro chantel update
pedro chantel update
pedro chantel update

Pedro’s “Always Clean” Post: Pouring Salt on Old Wounds?

Recently, Pedro, now working in real estate, posted a dapper photo of himself in office attire with a confident caption: “Always clean.” This seemingly innocent post reignited fans’ ire. Commenters were quick to remind him of his actions toward Chantel.

pedro chantel update

Reactions ranged from sarcastic to downright scathing:

  • “Clean like Chantel left your bank account 😂, you still owe her everything you have and will have 💁🏻‍♀️.”
  • “You did my girl Chantel dirty.”
  • “You may look clean but your actions toward Chantel were NOT. Actions speak louder than words, my friend.”
  • “Not clean at all, how your actions were towards Chantel, it was quite disgusting.”

The sentiment is clear: many viewers believe that while Pedro may look clean on the outside, his actions suggest otherwise.

The Social Media Roast Continues

Despite the time that’s elapsed, Pedro is still feeling the heat from his actions. His social media is a testament to this, having become a battleground ever since. He faced trolling and harsh comments for months, with many fans expressing disappointment and disgust at his perceived manipulation of Chantel.

A Marriage in Limbo

The couple’s tumult didn’t end with Pedro’s exit. Both filed restraining orders and levied serious allegations against each other in May 2022. Over a year later, the air of uncertainty persists, with the divorce seemingly still pending.