I just want to ask are you team Mohammed or team Danielle? Let’s talk a little bit about Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali from 90 Day Fiance!

I used to be on Mohamed’s side, but I have to say that now I am siding more and more with Danielle. It’s pretty obvious that Mohamed never cared for Danielle and was just using the relationship to get where he wanted to be – America. I don’t think he deserved the green card just for getting married and leaving her shortly after. Of course, that is just my opinion.

Mohammed or team Danielle

I have to be honest, the way Mohamed told the whole world about Danielle’s “smell” was simply not okay. He clearly revealed that information with bad intentions, knowing very well it would deeply hurt her feelings. I know when it was said, he was asked if he and Danielle had intercourse, however, he could have easily dodged the question. To speak that badly about your own wife (soon to be ex-wife) is just uncalled for and wrong on so many levels. Also, if it bothered him that much during his marriage, why didn’t he just walk away and return home?

We can’t forget to mention that Mohamed spoke down to Danielle when he found out about her money situation. If that doesn’t tell you he didn’t actually love her than I don’t know what will. What is odd to me is that he didn’t even consider that Danielle had to spend a lot of money for him to even get there and that could have been a major cause of the debt! He was a grown man at the time, why didn’t he work before coming and save money for his new life with his wife? He just expected everything to be taken care of and handled by Danielle.

Mohammed or team Danielle

I also want to address Mohamed using his religion as an excuse not to be close to his wife. For instance, to get out of sleeping in the same bed, he said it was because his religion didn’t allow sex before marriage. That is very understandable, however, couldn’t they have stayed in the same bed and just refrained from sex? What’s strange too, is the fact that Mohamed had no problems being very close to other women shortly after he and Danielle separated.

There was a time when Mohamed was asked what he liked about Danielle and his response was that he liked that she cared for him. I don’t know about you, but if that is all someone close to me likes about me, it would be a big problem. To make it even worse, Mohamed also said that he didn’t come to America for love, he came because he loves to travel and to see where things went with Danielle. I don’t think he understands what a K1 visa is intended for, it’s for people who are in love and actually want to be together!

Mohammed or team Danielle

When Mohamed met with Danielle years later, he was not nice at all. When she told him she was studying, he responded by saying he had told her to do that in the past and she should have listened to him. Mohamed has never tried to pay Danielle back at all, even after he got his green card and started to work. Instead, he just completely forgot about her and moved on, which I think shows his true feelings and character.

Apparently, Danielle had committed fraud at some point because she had no money left. She does have four children, and had no one to help her, so I don’t judge her for anything. Mohamed had left and her ex before that left and I’m sure he hasn’t payed any child support. Danielle also had to take care of her younger siblings because her parents passed away. It’s obvious that she had a lot to deal with completely on her own.

Mohammed or team Danielle

People tend to say it is all Danielle’s fault because she shouldn’t have tried dating someone so much younger than her and she should have dated someone who was the same age and had the same appearance as her. That doesn’t make sense to me because even the people I just described would be looking for someone younger and better looking, that’s just how people are. Many people are usually on her case about not being confident and secure, but how can she be when people are always telling her these negative things?

I think most people are on Mohamed’s side because they think he is cool, calm, and collected, but the reality is that he just simply doesn’t care. Thus, he shows no emotions. On the other hand, Danielle cared a lot about him and the relationship and that translated to her outbursts of anger towards him because he really did hurt her.

Mohammed or team Danielle