You heard that correctly folks, Big Ed and Liz are no longer together. Liz surprisingly revealed the breakup news on her Instagram account, via a recent post. This is shocking because it completely spoils future 90 Day: The Single Life episodes.

In the Instagram post, Liz includes multiple pictures of her and Ed and captioned the post saying, “Even though our paths have led us our separate ways, you’ll always be a great memory.” Hmmm, that doesn’t sound like she is too heartbroken over it! I want to add that Liz has also changed her Instagram Bio, only a few days ago it read “My heart is taken,” currently it reads, “Living the single life!” That is quite the change!

It is hard to know whether the breakup has occurred recently or if they have been hiding the news for a while. Some people even questioned whether the pair were actually genuine or if the whole thing was staged for the show. Who really knows? Liz and Big Ed had difficulties in their relationship right from the start.

Once Liz finally gave into Big Ed’s charms and became his girlfriend not everything was smooth sailing. Especially when it came to Big Ed’s daughter and their major age difference. When Liz met his daughter, things took a turn for the worst, it was very apparent she did not approve of Liz and was not shy about expressing her distaste.

So far, we have only heard the breakup news from Liz, we are still waiting on what Big Ed has to say about what went down. We don’t know what the reasoning behind the split was, so hopefully more information will be coming out about what actually went down. Most of us aren’t too surprised by this news, it was obvious that Liz wasn’t too keen on Ed from the beginning.

To be honest, I was starting to think that Liz could actually like Ed for Ed, but now I am doubting myself. It’s possible it was one of Big Ed’s antics that caused Liz to run for the hills. Perhaps he started pulling the similar antics that drove Rose away?